Convert More Users: How to Optimize Your SaaS Product Trials for Maximum Impact

Lou by Totango
6 min readApr 26, 2023


Free trials are a game-changer for SaaS companies. They offer potential customers the chance to try the product before committing to a paid plan, which can be a huge draw for new leads and high-intent users.

However, with so many companies offering free trials, many are not putting in enough effort to make them worthwhile. Gartner reports that SaaS trials often frustrate buyers due to complicated onboarding processes and usability issues.

The effectiveness of free trials in attracting new business for SaaS is declining. However, if your brand prioritizes creating a rewarding trial experience, you can reverse this trend.

Curious about how to entice users to pay for your software? We have some ideas! But before we dive into tactics, let’s define some key terms.

What is a product trial?

A product trial is a fundamental element of a product-led growth strategy, which involves using the product to attract, engage, and convert users into loyal, paying customers.

Instead of relying on marketing techniques to persuade and motivate users, a product-led growth approach allows users to test the product’s features firsthand and make informed decisions. In essence, the product speaks for itself.

3 types of SaaS product trials

There are different types of product trials to choose from, each with its advantages and disadvantages. Some enhance app usability, while others increase conversion rates.

Free trial with limited features

This is the most common type of product trial. It allows users to try a software product for a limited period, typically 14 or 30 days, with specific features disabled. This approach lets users experience the product’s core functionalities without committing to a full subscription.

Freemium trial

Popularized by companies such as Zoom, Slack, and Spotify, freemium is a membership tier often supported by advertising. It allows users to access the product without paying for it upfront. Eventually, a portion of these freemium users will convert into paying customers.

Reverse trials

A reverse trial is a blend of the previous models, where customers are given a time-limited free trial that includes access to premium features. After the free trial period ends, the product reverts to a freemium model.

What is the product onboarding process?

The onboarding process involves guiding new customers to experience the value of a product. It is not a “one and done” activity and doesn’t end after the user interacts with the product for the first time.

It consists of several phases that work together to achieve the ultimate goal of customer adoption, including product introduction, education, engagement, and activation.

Designing a successful onboarding process is critical to move your users from one stage to the next. See how it maps the entire customer lifecycle, from the initial awareness stage to the post-purchase phase.

Pro-tip: Tailor your onboarding process to meet the specific needs of your users at each stage of the customer lifecycle. This requires a deep understanding of your users’ goals, preferences, and pain points, which you can discover through data collection and analysis. More on that soon!

Why do you need to onboard new users during the trial?

Onboarding users during a product trial is essential for two important reasons. First, it drives higher product activation rates. Activation is when a user has completed the necessary steps to derive value from the software. A well-designed onboarding process can guide users to the activation point quickly.

Second, onboarding trial users increases retention. Users successfully onboarded during a trial will likely continue using the product after the trial period ends. This leads to higher customer lifetime value and lower churn rates.

The optimal customer onboarding process for trial users

An engaging customer onboarding process for trial users should include the following elements:

  • Sign-Up Page: The sign-up page should be simple and easy to navigate. It should provide users with all the necessary information about the product and the trial.
  • Sign-Up Process: The sign-up process should be streamlined and straightforward. Users should be able to create an account quickly and easily.
  • UX engagement prompts: UX engagement prompts, such as tooltips and notifications, can help users navigate the product and understand how to use its features.
  • Customer feedback: Gathering customer feedback during the trial period can help companies improve their product and the onboarding process.

8 best practices for retaining users after a trial

Here are the best practices for product onboarding to retain users after a trial (plus, the best tool to automate the process).

1. Collect data to understand new customers’ goals

To create a successful onboarding experience, you must understand your customers’ goals and pain points. This means collecting data on how they use your product and what they hope to achieve by using it. You can gather this data by monitoring customer feedback, implementing analytics tools, conducting surveys, and tracking how users interact with your product during their free trial, including what features they use the most and how often they engage with your product.

2. Use data for a personalized onboarding experience

Once you’ve collected data on your new customers, you can create a customized onboarding experience that addresses their goals and needs. For example, if a customer wants to use your product for a specific feature, you can create an onboarding process highlighting it and showing them how to use it effectively.

3. Help users get to the activation point fast

Activation is when a user gets the total value of your product. To ensure that users reach this point quickly, you need to provide them with clear and concise instructions on how to use your product. This could involve creating a “quick start” guide, implementing tooltips, etc.

4. Guide users with interactive product tours

Interactive product tours are an effective way to guide users through your product’s features and functionality. By breaking down complex features into smaller, more manageable steps, you can help users understand how to use your product more effectively.

5. Re-engage inactive users with onboarding emails

Not all users will complete the onboarding process during the trial period; some may become inactive. To re-engage these users, you can send onboarding emails that provide tips and tricks on using the product more effectively. These emails can also highlight the benefits of upgrading to a paid plan.

6. Gather customer feedback before the free trial ends

It’s essential to gather user feedback before the trial period ends, as this can help you understand how to improve your product and onboarding process. You can use surveys for feedback to gather this information to refine your onboarding process for future users.

7. Encourage users to upgrade at the right time

To increase the likelihood of converting trial users to paying customers, choosing the right moment to ask them to upgrade is essential. You could incentivize the upgrade with special discounts or offers or educate users on the benefits they would receive by upgrading to a paid plan.

8. Automate the onboarding process with Lou

Automate the onboarding process so it’s optimized and ready to convert. Lou is a powerful tool that can create personalized onboarding experiences with analytics to gauge user behavior in any onboarding experience, making it easier to retain users after a trial.

Here are some examples of how Lou can level up your free trial:

  • Announcements feature: Create personalized messages for different user segments and deliver them at the right time. Announcements are triggered based on user behavior or milestones, such as completing onboarding or reaching a certain usage threshold.
  • Interactive onboarding tours: Set up interactive product tours in minutes and highlight key features and benefits most relevant to the user’s needs. By showcasing how your product can solve their specific problems, you can demonstrate value and increase the likelihood of conversion.
  • Personalized experiences: With Lou, you can seamlessly define custom segments and create targeted experiences for specific user groups in your app. This allows you to tailor your messaging and product offerings to better meet the needs and preferences of each segment, which can lead to higher engagement and conversion rates.

Win more trial customers with Lou

We’ve covered a lot of ground. Let’s sum it up!

Product trials generate interest, attract new customers, and ultimately convert them. Effective product trials help you acquire new customers and engage and retain existing ones. With different types of trials, such as freemium or reverse trials, choosing the one that best fits your needs is something to think about.

Now that you have all the right tools necessary to optimize your product trial onboarding process, why not check out Lou and streamline your process? Start converting free trial users today.



Lou by Totango

Turn new users into power users with self-serve onboarding, personalized product tours, and feature announcements. Launch in minutes -